Saturday, February 25, 2012

While the Children Run Wild

While the children run wild, my husband studies his chemistry. While the children run wild, the two of us get some much needed alone time. During their screamfests upstairs in their rooms, I frantically start more laundry and hunt down shoes before getting ready to head out to Pack Meeting.

While the children play raucous games of tigers or cops and robbers, screaming at the tops of their lungs, arguing about whose turn it is to hold the Nerf dart gun with the laser light, I am desperately trying to throw some dinner into the oven, wash the dishes from lunch and breakfast, clean the bathroom, all at the same time.

Why do I let my kids run wild? Why do I let them destroy the top floor of our apartment? Why, oh why, do I not race up the stairs when one of them begins screaming, when I hear a thump, when someone's crying?

Because I have finally learned my lesson.

I cannot control everything. I cannot solve every argument, nor should I. I am very busy. I run a household where 6 people live, sleep, eat, clean themselves, play, do their homework. It takes time and energy to keep it organized and running. If I didn't leave my kids alone for 20 minutes, I would never have things for them to eat off of. If I didn't ignore that thump or that argument, I would never get dinner made. Or get a shower. Or have clean laundry.

So, I am DONE worrying about what the neighbors think of my screaming kids. It's who they are. We are loud. We express our opinions. My kids enjoy playing rough sometimes. They don't give in when they want something. And I have 6 loads of laundry, 2 loads of dishes, three big bags of trash to take out, and three meals to make. Sorry. They're going to scream.